
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let there be light !!!

Light is the fundamental requirement for us to view things. The moment light falls on an object and is reflected back to our eyes we start seeing things. We observe colour based on the which part of light is reflected and which is absorbed the object. Black coloured objects, for instance, will absorb all the light that falls on it and hence looks black. A white object reflects everything that falls onto it. 

Photography is everything about light. The entire magic is how we perceive light and capture it. Whenever, we shoot a subject it either has to emit its own light or borrow from any other light source to be seen by the camera. If there is no light source, camera flash is used

We understand now that the essence of a photograph is light. A subject can be well lit or dim lit based on the amount of light it throws (reflects or emits) at the camera. A picture can be overexposed, underexposed or correctly exposed. Without going into much detail about what exposure is (saving this for later), all exposure types can be deliberate. Yes, if used properly all these three techniques can produce amazing results.

Now, let us concentrate on different types of lights. I'll start by saying that light can be natural or artificial. Natural light is light from the sun. Artificial can be your bulbs, flashes etc. Light can be harsh or diffused. Light can be transmitted or reflected. Light can be direct or indirect on subject. 


What I desire as a photographer

I am not much of photographer but just a hobbyist with a camera.
I have been clicking for 3 years now and all those times I have been trying my luck as an amateur to get more and more consistent with the camera.

I don't deny getting good occasional shots but the battle is something else. When can I say that, I am successful as a photographer?
How do I define the word professional in this context. 
Is it when I have managed to procure expensive cameras, those big stylish lenses, strobes and what not? Is it when you are at your dream place clicking snaps and you are paid for that? Is it when your pieces of art are critically acclaimed in all the famous photography media?

I still struggle to find answer for the questions I ask. I am not saying that the above mentioned are not indicative of your success but I wish that these are not what an amateur artist should desire when he starts thinking beyond.
The basis of a good photograph is a lot of things, that includes composition, exposure, colours etc.  But, the basic is the story that it depicts.
The most fundamental is the story that my picture should convey every time someone looks into it. The onlooker should no matter what, but spend his precious moments thinking about it, when he looks at it. This and this only justifies the picture as truly a successful attempt to a photograph.
I am worried, because I just don't want to be any other guy who holds a camera and starts clicking. I want to migrate beyond that. 

How to summarize what I aspire? A good picture with a meaningful content. I am not sure. All that I say is I don't want to click a thousand pictures but just a few good ones.