
Monday, January 6, 2014

How a Camera Works

What exactly do we understand when we talk about a camera. Well, a camera can be called as a optical device used to record visual scenarios in the form of a photograph or a movie. While a camera can be said to be based on how a human eye works, but with subtle differences. 

As mentioned above, the camera should have two main parts
1. The optics - to see an image
2. Recording medium - to record the image.

Of course there are many other important mechanics involved, but not mentioning them here for the sake of brevity.

The main mechanics that we would concentrate on is that light from a distance source is allowed to fall on a medium that is sensitive to it. This is basic of any camera. 

The above picture shows us that we allow light rays from a distance source to travel through a container and then allowed to fall on a recording medium. Simple right? This is not that simple though. Light has to be focused on the medium to obtain clear and sharp images. This is achieved through optics. An optical part converges right rays to be focused on to the recording medium. This way we allow a more concentrated or a convergent form of light to fall on to the recording medium.

The above fundamental is simple and explains the principle of how a camera works.
In modern day camera the recording medium is a sensor that is sensitive to light rays falling on it. The Optic is a lens that throws focused light on the sensor. The film camera had light sensitive films to record images. 

Just extending the above a bit.

The above diagram shows how a camera displays what is sees to the user and then records the same. The flip mirror directs light to the view piece where the user sees what is about to be recorded. As the user presses the "Shutter" button the mirror flips and the light starts falling on the sensor. The sensor starts recording the information. 

This is a very simple depiction of the way a camera works. The idea behind is to understand the basics of a camera that will help in photography. 

Now that we understand the simple physics let us move to other aspects of the blog. Remember, this section only dealt with the understanding the basic fundamental behind how a camera should work. There are many articles on the web that describes these in detail and hence if you want to know more please dig down further into those. 
1. How stuff works
2. Wiki pedia

There are many more on the same. The idea though here was to understand the very basic of how a camera works and only the ideas that will help in photography.

There are many components that need further explanation like sensors etc. but these would be covered later on.

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